WARNING: Is Your Washing Machine TOXIC? Here’s How To Tell If It’s Making Your Family Sick…

October 25, 2022

Jane, 43, shares the embarrassing situation that made her change her laundry habits forever.

Plus: The simple hack you can use TODAY to get your laundry smelling fresher than ever.

This will change everything you thought you knew about laundry.

“Can you smell something funky?”

My date sniffed the air as I shuffled awkwardly in my seat.

It was my second date since my divorce. And this guy, Mike, had taken me to this fancy French restaurant.

To be honest, I could smell something.

Which I thought was kind of weird in such a nice place.

I didn’t want to make a big deal. But I could tell it was really bothering him.

When our entrees came, he hardly touched his food.

“What the heck is that darn smell?” he said, with a disgusted look on his face.

When the server came to collect our half-eaten food, Mike even complained. He asked if there was a burst pipe in the bathroom making the smell.

The server didn’t have an answer. So Mike suggested we get out of there and head to a bar.

When we got outside of the restaurant, I tried to hold his hand to walk to the bar…

But when he got close to me I saw his face change and he quickly pulled away.

Pretty soon he made an excuse, and jumped in a cab.

I couldn’t understand what had happened. Why did he cut our date so short?

I was kind of upset, and it was still early. So, I gave my friend Marie a call to see if she wanted to go for a drink.

She told me she was in a bar just around the corner, so I grabbed a cab to meet her.

But when she gave me a hug to say hello, I was shocked by what she said to me:

“Honey, I don’t want to upset you even more… But you smell like rotten cabbage.”

I was mortified.

I’d spent hours getting ready. I’d showered, moisturized my whole body and I was wearing new perfume…

My favorite summer dress was freshly washed…

So, how could I smell so bad?

Marie came up close and took another sniff. She almost winced.

“Jane… It’s your dress!”

I told her I’d washed it that day.

Marie looked a little confused. Then she asked me a question I wasn’t expecting.

“When was the last time you cleaned your washing machine?”

She said that over time your machine gathers dirt and grime from your soiled clothes.

Plus there’s leftover detergent, hard water mineral deposits, mold, and mildew – which all contribute to that funky smell.

And apparently the smell isn’t the worst part. Mold on clothes can even lead to allergic reactions, rashes and infections – including asthma.

I felt awful, because my youngest son was always stuffed up. And it was probably down to the fact I never cleaned the washing machine.

Needless to say, my date never called back.

The next day, I started researching how to clean my washing machine.

I was shocked to find you’re supposed to clean your machine once per month. No wonder my clothes smelled so bad.

The thing was, I didn’t want to put chemicals in my machine.

I don’t know about you, but I worry about what all these toxic chemicals do to my family.

In fact – when I was researching washing machine cleaners – I found most are packed with chlorine, phosphates, masking agents, or dyes.

Yes, most washing machine cleaners contain toxic chemicals which can cause:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Burning to skin and eyes
  • Respiratory failure
  • And even CANCER

Sure, that won’t happen overnight. But I don’t want to gamble with the health of myself and my kids.

So at first I tried some homemade solutions. Like cleaning my machine with white vinegar.

But I could still smell that funky, musty odor on all my clothes.

I didn’t know where to turn…

I even considered buying a brand new machine, which would have set me back hundreds of dollars.

Then I stumbled upon a company called Grab Green…

The company caught my eye because it was founded by a fellow mom. She wanted to make sure her kids weren’t being slowly poisoned by chemicals in cleaning products.

And, thankfully, the website stocked Washing Machine Cleaner Pods.

Their Pods are more than 99% natural ingredients.

And they’re 100% American made, with ingredients sourced right here in the US.

I decided to try some out to see if they would fix the funky odor on my clothes.

Their website gives you the option to subscribe…

Which I decided to do, because I’ve got so much going on all the time. So I knew I’d probably forget to re-order.

Plus you can cancel at any time. And they even offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not blown away by how clean their Pods make your machine.

I thought it was worth a go, since there was no risk. And the pods were also super cheap – I was pretty surprised they could make a product with all natural ingredients for such a low price.

When the pods came, I popped one in my machine and put it on a normal, hot cycle.

It was so simple. I didn’t have to do any scrubbing like with other washing machine cleaners.

When I opened the machine afterwards, I was amazed by how clean it looked – It was glistening, and it smelled so fresh.

Sure enough, next time I washed my clothes, they came out smelling incredible.

The musty odor was completely gone. And I didn’t have to worry about hurting my kids or myself with mold, or toxic chemicals.

That was a year ago and I’ve been using Grab Green’s Pods ever since.

It’s crazy to say, but it’s actually been life-changing. I didn’t realize that smelling so fresh could make me feel so much better! But it’s been a huge confidence boost…

In fact, I’ve now reached my fifth date with a new guy. And he most definitely doesn’t pull away when I try to hold his hand!

Grab Green is currently offering 10% off for anyone who subscribes to their pods after reading this article.

I suggest you take advantage of their offer if you want your clothes to look cleaner and smell fresher – without subjecting your family to a single harmful chemical.

Click the button below to check availability and grab your washing machine cleaner pods.


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